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Where Your Ad Campaigns Intersect Across TV, Digital, and Print

Written by FOX 12/FOX 12+ Marketing | Aug 31, 2021 11:15:00 PM

Every advertising platform has its unique strengths, from TV to digital to print media. However, to take full advantage of each platform, it's important to use them concurrently and simultaneously. By incorporating a comprehensive multi-platform advertising campaign, you can maximize your reach and significantly boost brand awareness, conversions, and sales. 

If you're wondering what specific advantages you can see with a combined marketing strategy, here we'll review them as you go about developing your first campaign. 

The Benefits of a Combined Approach 

Each ad platform has its own capabilities for reaching different segments at various stages of the sales funnel and buyer's journey. Additionally, each platform can assist with remarketing purposes. By combining TV, digital, and print advertising, you can introduce people to your brand during the awareness stage and effectively lead them to convert and become loyal customers. The key is knowing how to implement each of these channels in a holistic strategy. 

It's crucial to plan out your marketing across platforms to develop a cohesive campaign that builds on itself. At the same time, you'll alert customers that they're seeing additional ads for your brand. In the process, you can stay top-of-mind among audiences and steal the spotlight from competitors that are only sticking to one or two main platforms.  

To give you a better sense of what you can accomplish with each platform, let's review the individual benefits of each.  

Strengths of TV 

TV remains a trusted platform for many audiences. Brands can use it to increase credibility, and it's highly efficient at providing digestible information to consumers about your products and brand. Commercials can engage new and existing audiences and effectively help you stand out among competitors.   

In addition to introducing people to your brand, TV can spur action by encouraging people to visit your website, as it's often a top-of-funnel channel. People can become familiar with your brand and be more willing to learn about you and your offerings, leading them to explore your other marketing platforms. Therefore, if your TV advertising is effective enough, it can be a huge source of website traffic, email leads, or even social media followers that guides people through the sales funnel. 

The key to a successful TV advertising campaign is the frequency of ads—the more often people see your ads, the more they will recall in the long term. As a result, people will come to recognize and trust you over less engaging competitors.  


Digital is a broad category that consists of many channels brands can use. Some of these channels include email, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and search engine marketing (SEM). Using multiple digital channels gives you a full funnel advertising opportunity and enables you to nurture leads. Digital marketing also expands your reach to a wide demographic of people and niches.  

Not only does digital help you reach more people, but it can also reach them at times of crucial decision-making, influencing their decision when it's most important. For instance, you could lead people to your website through good SEO for relevant search terms. From there, visitors may subscribe to your email newsletter in exchange for more valuable information. While the lead may not be ready to purchase quite yet, emails and other digital content could eventually lead them to purchase from you when the time comes to buy. 

Digital marketing can be highly cost-effective, but this will depend on which aspect of digital you're using. The trade-off will ultimately come down to how much control you have over your advertising. For example, SEO and social media will give you less control, although they are free to use. 


Print advertising is another potentially invaluable asset. Print could consist of magazines and newspapers, along with fliers and direct mail pieces. Many people trust print ads and find them to be more credible than other forms of advertising. People may also see these ads months or years after their initial printing. For example, magazines may sit in the waiting room of a doctor's office for months, leading many patients to come across the ads inside. Many of those magazine ads are also likely to remain relevant for longer compared to the articles beside them. 

Print ads can effectively reinforce digital and TV ads, further encouraging people to visit your website or take another desired action.  

See True Success with a Combined Marketing Strategy 

By taking a combined marketing approach, you can build upon your past successes and amplify their impact. With TV, print, and digital platforms, you'll be able to extend your brand's reach to every potential audience. You'll also be able to drive them to take more action as you nurture them to become customers. Harnessing the power of every platform to your avail can help ensure you get the most from your marketing dollars, boosting sales and ROI.