FOX 12/FOX 12+ Marketing helps businesses define their marketing plans, decide the next steps needed to reach their short and longer-term goals, and set key performance indicators to properly track their success. With access to qualitative and quantitative resources, using both traditional and dynamic new approaches enables us to deliver solutions tailored to your business goals.

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What is Strategic Planning and Research?

In order to solve a problem, you need a plan and all the facts! The same is true when creating a marketing solution for your business. FOX 12/FOX 12+ Marketing can help by closely working with your company to create a customized marketing strategy by identifying specific goals and even pain-points. 

Once identified, we will build highly-responsive campaigns based on our research, such as consumer demographics, lifestyle triggers, intent to purchase, and more. We use the research we find to help you get the results you are looking for by planning and preparing your marketing campaign with a focus on the future.

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The Difference Strategic Planning and Research Can Make On Your Marketing Plan

A strategic plan and research to back it up, will not only make creating a marketing plan easier but assure you and your team will see it through and have the same goals along the way. 

By utilizing our services, you will have a clear road map of the campaign elements, timeline, messaging and production. This way you can focus on your business, while we focus on what we do best - marketing!

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